- When you consistently do more hard work, you become smarter at your work automatically.
- HARD & SMART are just the prefixes or adjectives used to amplify the importance of the actual term WORK.
- Most humans are busy amplifying the adjectives while forgetting the real importance of WORK.
- We all are different. We all have different capabilities.
- Why do you think, out of 100 students in a class of school or college, only a few come into the top 10 & a lot more at the bottom & many more in the middle of the rank from 0-100?
- Why do you think, out of 1000s of employees at a the company, only a few get promotions & a lot get fired?
- It's because: We all have infinite potentials within us to THINK ABOUT OUR GOALS but very few of us actually put in the REAL WORK consistently by being patient.
- Ones who do, become SMARTER because their only focus is to WORK hard. Working hard has nothing to do with getting exhausted physically or mentally.
- While working hard in your career, why don't you work hard with your physical workouts & meditation & yoga & so many other things to keep yourself ACTIVE & HAPPY? Why don't you?
- Most of us, as talented humans, are busy giving excuses for not doing this & that. Let's get productive by actually doing this & that. SMART WORK is a myth.
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