In case of a Board Meeting which is conducted through the means of video conferencing,…
Out of the total strength of six Directors of SQ Ltd, five are attending a Board Meeti…
23. In case of a company where minimum --------per cent members (in number) are relati…
22. Where at any time the number of interested Directors exceeds or is equal to.......…
21. CK Limited was incorporated on 25th June, 2018. CK Limited wants to make donations…
20. Go Dairy Company Limited, a public company incorporated under the Companies Act,…
19. M.D.H. Masala Enterprises Limited, a public company incorporated under the Compa…
18. Hasmukh Limited, incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 have a whole-Time Di…
17. F&l Limited, a listed company under the Companies Act, 2013 has Mr. Abhishek a…
16.Amarco Company Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013, wants…
15. Lockworth Safety Gears Private Limited pays remuneration to its Directors on yearl…
14. Mr. A was appointed as a Manager of PQR Ltd for the period of five years on 20th J…
13. You are a Whole Time Director of Choco-chips Private Limited and wishes to appoint…
12. Capable Limited appoints Mr. Vikas as the Managing Director of the company. The Bo…
11. Due to non-compliance of certain requirements under the Companies Act, 2013 not a…
10. ABC Ltd is a government company with fourteen Directors. They are willing to appoi…
9. Mr. Z is proposed to be appointed as the Director in a public company RLP Ltd. Mr. …
8. The Board of Directors of MNO Ltd is willing to appoint Mr. R as the Additional Dir…
7. HCQ Pharma Ltd. a company listed with the Bombay Stock Exchange incorporated on Ja…
6. Mr. Nagarjuna decided to resign from MGT Private Limited due to pre occupation. He …