9. Auditors do not normally examine all the information available to them as it would be impractical to do so and using audit sampling will produce valid conclusions. Random selection ensures that all items in the population have an equal chance of selection, e.g. by use of random number tables or random number generators. Block sampling method includes selection of a block or blocks of continuous items from within the organisation. Which of the following selection can be considered as a block sampling method?
(a) Auditor Mr. A divided the trade receivables into 2 groups as: balances above Rs 20 lakh and balances between Rs 10 lakh to 20 lakh and selected different percentages of items from each group.
(b) Auditor Mr. A determined the starting point as 10 for the list of receivables and selected every 10th balance for receivables thereafter as samples to perform the tests.
(c) Auditor Mr. A selected sample size as all the high-value balances from the list of trade receivables to ensure that these balances shown are correctly recorded.
(d) Auditor Mr. A uses a sample of 50 consecutive cheques to test whether cheques are signed by authorised signatories rather than picking 50 single cheques throughout the year.
Ans : (d) Auditor Mr. A uses a sample of 50 consecutive cheques to test whether cheques are signed by authorised signatories rather than picking 50 single cheques throughout the year.