The Karnataka Government has blacklisted sixty Chartered Accountants for committing irregularities in their work.

Chartered Accountants got Blacklisted by Karnataka Govt

The minister of Karnataka told that :

  •  These CAs will no longer be allowed to practice.

  • The government is enrolling the services of private CAs because there are 402 vacancies in various co-operative societies that have not been filled as a result of Covid. There are now 1,700 CAs registered.

  • The authorities will perform re-audits and take action against the accountants if there is any complaint in the auditing process.

  • Previously, one CA could take on hundreds of audits, resulting in widespread fraud. The government is now considering limiting the number of audits per CA every year. He said that this will be implemented starting in April.

  • The government will establish regulations to help CAs do their jobs more efficiently, as well as impose penalties. All of this will be presented to the Legislature for approval at the next session.